Cara Membuat Object Browser Sederhana di Form VB6 - Pada pertemuan kali ini tip dan trik visual basic akan memberikan sebuah tip yaitu bagaimana membuat object browser dengan menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0 Object, sebelum kita membahas tip ini kita harus tau apa itu Object Browser.
Object Browser adalah alat bantu dalam bentuk kotak dialog untuk melacak obyek-obyek dalam sebuah database. Selain fungsi navigasi, Object Browser memungkinkan pembuatan script, mengeksekusi stored procedure, dan mengakses tabel atau view.Untuk mengenal contoh dari object browser tidak perlu jauh-jauh cukup di komputer Anda saat ini yaitu dengan cara mengklik bagian windows explorer,distulah semua file dan folder kita berada agar lebih mudah diakses.
Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang object browser sebaiknya Anda ikuti tip berikut agar Anda tau seperti apa object browser itu.Berikut adalah langkah-langkah dalam pembuatannya :
Cara Membuat Object Browser Sederhana di VB6
1. Buka Form VB6 Anda,ganti Name Propertiesnya menjadi : frmTree
2.Tambahkan Komponen dengan menekan CTL+T Cek List Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0
3. Tambahkan komponen TreeView, StatusBar dan 1 Commanbutton di dalam Form. Atur priperties Name masing-masing :
TreeView Name : treeList
StatusBar Name : statBar
CommandButton1 Name : cmdRun
4. Kemudian Desain Form seperti gambar dibawah ini :
![]() |
Desain Form |
5. Setelah mendesain Form,Tambahkan 1 Modules dengan cara Project > Add Module, Name Properties : modMain
6. kemudian Ketik kode dibawah ini di module :
Public Sub Main()
End Sub
7. Langkah selanjutnya Tambahkan 2 Class Module dengan cara Project > Add Class Module, beriName Propertienya masing-masing dengan Name : clsTest dan clsTest2
8. Ketik kode dibawah ini di Class Modules clsTest :
Public intTest As Integer
Public strTest As String
Public objTest As clsTest2
Public objSelfRef As clsTest
Public Sub SubroutineTest()
MsgBox "Test"
End Sub
Public Function FuncTest(strTest As String) As String
Me.strTest = strTest & " tested"
Me.intTest = Me.intTest + 1
End Function
9. Kemudian Ketik juga Kode dibawah ini di Class Modules clsTest2 :
Public Whatever As Double
10. Sekarang kembali Form Desain, pada form Desain buka jendela kode lalu ketik kode dibawah ini :
Dim ClassNames() As String
Dim mobjClass As clsTest
Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
Dim n As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim ClassInfo As InterfaceInfo
Dim ClassMember As MemberInfo
Dim alParams() As Variant
Dim hr As Variant
'grab class info
Set ClassInfo = tli.InterfaceInfoFromObject(mobjClass)
Set ClassMember = ClassInfo.GetMember(ClassNames(treeList.SelectedItem.Index))
'here we get the number of parameters that the function requires
n = ClassMember.Parameters.Count - 1
'if the function has parameters, we will loop through them and prompt for each one.
If n >= 0 Then
ReDim alParams(n)
'when using InvokeHookArray, parameters are passed in reverse order, so we set up the For loop accordingly.
For i = n To 0 Step -1
alParams(i) = InputBox("Enter a value for parameter " & ClassMember.Parameters((n - i) + 1).Name, ClassMember.Name & " parameters")
Next i
'InvokeHookArray is extremely useful when you don't know how many parameters you need to pass until runtime.
hr = InvokeHookArray(mobjClass, ClassMember.MemberId, INVOKE_FUNC, alParams)
'InvokeHook let's us call without any parameters more simply than InvokeHookArray.
hr = InvokeHook(mobjClass, ClassMember.MemberId, INVOKE_FUNC)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set mobjClass = New clsTest
BuildClassTree mobjClass
End Sub
Sub BuildClassTree(objClass As Object)
Dim ClassInfo As InterfaceInfo
Set ClassInfo = tli.InterfaceInfoFromObject(objClass)
AddClassNodes ClassInfo.Members, ClassInfo.Name, -1
End Sub
Sub AddClassNodes(ClassMembers As Members, strClassName, lngParent As Long)
Dim strKey As String
Dim newNode As Node
Dim FilteredMembers As SearchResults
Dim ClassMember As MemberInfo
Dim i As Long
'this builds the heading nodes
If lngParent >= 0 Then
treeList.Nodes.Add lngParent, tvwChild, "Functions" & CStr(lngParent), "Functions"
treeList.Nodes.Add lngParent, tvwChild, "Objects" & CStr(lngParent), "Objects"
treeList.Nodes.Add lngParent, tvwChild, "Variables" & CStr(lngParent), "Variables"
treeList.Nodes.Add , , "Functions" & CStr(lngParent), "Functions"
treeList.Nodes.Add , , "Objects" & CStr(lngParent), "Objects"
treeList.Nodes.Add , , "Variables" & CStr(lngParent), "Variables"
End If
'if there is no parent, this is the first loop - initialize the ClassNames array
If lngParent = -1 Then
ReDim Preserve ClassNames(-1 To 0)
ClassNames(-1) = strClassName
End If
'we need the filtered members in order to eliminate COM functions that VB will add in automatically
'once we compile the exe.
Set FilteredMembers = ClassMembers.GetFilteredMembers
For i = 1 To FilteredMembers.Count
'InvokeKinds stores the type of member this is. We'll check for particular flags to determine
'if it falls into the category of function/sub, variable property, or object property.
If FilteredMembers(i).InvokeKinds And INVOKE_FUNC Then
strKey = "Functions" & CStr(lngParent)
ElseIf FilteredMembers(i).InvokeKinds And INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT Then
strKey = "Variables" & CStr(lngParent)
ElseIf FilteredMembers(i).InvokeKinds And INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF Then
strKey = "Objects" & CStr(lngParent)
GoTo NextMember
End If
'this is our function to get the unfiltered version of this member
Set ClassMember = GetMemberByID(ClassMembers, FilteredMembers(i).MemberId)
'add the member to the tree
Set newNode = treeList.Nodes.Add(strKey, tvwChild, , ClassMember.Name)
If strKey = "Objects" & CStr(lngParent) Then
'here we compare the type of the object property with the type of its parent
'if they match, don't build a subtree for this one, or it will infinitely loop within itself.
'instead, bold the node to signal a self-reference.
If ClassNames(lngParent) = ClassMember.ReturnType.TypeInfo.Name Then
newNode.Bold = True
'while the top-level class has to be running, we can grab info on all child classes (properties
'that are objects) whether they are running or not, by using the ReturnType.TypeInfo property.
AddClassNodes ClassMember.ReturnType.TypeInfo.Members, ClassMember.ReturnType.TypeInfo.Name, newNode.Index
'store the name of the class that this object property is defined as
'this is used for comparison above
If newNode.Index > UBound(ClassNames) Then ReDim Preserve ClassNames(-1 To newNode.Index)
ClassNames(newNode.Index) = ClassMember.ReturnType.TypeInfo.Name
End If
'we'll use the Tag property of the Nodes to store the return types of the properties and functions.
'we use Mid to take the underscore off the front of custom class names
newNode.Tag = Mid(ClassMember.ReturnType.TypeInfo.Name, 2)
'store the name of the member for later retrieval
If newNode.Index > UBound(ClassNames) Then ReDim Preserve ClassNames(-1 To newNode.Index)
ClassNames(newNode.Index) = ClassMember.Name
'store return type
newNode.Tag = TypeName(ClassMember.ReturnType.TypedVariant)
End If
Next i
End Sub
Function GetMemberByID(objMembers As Members, memID As Long) As MemberInfo
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To objMembers.Count
If objMembers(i).MemberId = memID Then
Set GetMemberByID = objMembers(i)
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Function
Private Sub Form_Resize()
treeList.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
treeList.Height = Me.ScaleHeight - statBar.Height
cmdRun.Top = Me.ScaleHeight - cmdRun.Height
End Sub
Private Sub treeList_NodeClick(ByVal Node As MSComctlLib.Node)
statBar.Panels(1).Text = "Type: " & Node.Tag
If Not Node.Parent Is Nothing Then
If Node.Parent.Text = "Functions" And Node.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then
cmdRun.Enabled = True
cmdRun.Enabled = False
End If
If Node.Parent.Text = "Variables" And Node.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then
statBar.Panels(2).Text = "Value: " & CStr(InvokeHook(mobjClass, ClassNames(Node.Index), INVOKE_PROPERTYGET))
statBar.Panels(2).Text = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
11. Simpan hasil pekerjaan Anda dan jalankan program.
Demikian tip cara Cara Membuat Object Browser Sederhana di Form VB6. Selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil........
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